Renewal Application (External) Header Image

Cover Page- General School Information

Complete the information requested below.

School Address*

School Leader Information: 

Name *

School Board Chair Information:



Upload a Pdf document including responses for sections 2-11.  Each section must be clearly labeled, and all sections must be complete.

Upload Sections 2-11 Here*
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The following is a list of appendix items to be uploaded as separate documents with the application. Use the following naming convention for each attachment:

  School Name_Appendix Letter (Ex: Spring HS_ Appendix A)

A. Three-year enrollment projections (using template provided by LCA) (Section 1). *
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B. Budget for the current year and 5-year projected budget. (Section 5).*
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C. Copy of the school’s two most recent audits. (Section 5).*
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D. If applicable: Provide a table of audit findings and corresponding explanations (Section 5).*
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E. Organizational chart that provides a graphic representation of the school and clearly delineates the roles, responsibilities, and reporting structure. (Section 6).*
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F. If applicable: Provide a copy of the contract between the school and any CMO, EMO, or ESP (Section 6).
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G. Table listing current board members and their term dates (Section 7).*
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H. Copy of (or link to) the school’s by-laws and articles of incorporation. (Section 7).*
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I. Copies of board policies, including policies governing potential conflicts of interest and governing board agreements or disclosure forms, if any. (Section 7).*
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J. Table indicating major modification requests to the current charter document and a description of the school’s ability to execute each modification (Section 10).*
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K. Red line copy indicating changes to the currently approved charter (Section 10).*
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L. Copy of the contract executed with your current sponsor (Section 10).*
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M. If applicable, Provide a list of any current or past litigations or judgements against the school (Section 11).
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